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JUser::_load : impossible de charger l'utilisateur ayant l'ID 62
vendredi, 30 janvier 2009 22:00


[rbxshot img="images/stories/roktabs-thumb.jpg"]RokTabs Preview[/rbxshot]

What is RokTabs?

RokTabs is a fully independent and incredibly flexible standalone version of the popular template feature, RokSlide. That being, a module that displays content in tabs that are scrollable and automatic (if set). The module itself is installable into Joomla and can be easier utilised on any template, not just Akiraka. As it name implies, its a tabbed based module to efficiently showcase your content to your visitors.

How do I configure RokTabs?

We will take a quick look at the parameters you will find when you install this module. There are 4 columns, parameters, options, demo and description. The parameter column lists each available setting for the module; options lists the available options to choose from; demo lists the options chosen on the demo and description outlines what the module does.


Show Title Enabled Position Category Section Order Authors Theme Style Width Max # of Tabs Transition Duration Transition Type Transition Effect Tabs Position Tabs Title Incremental text Hide h6 tags Autoplay Autoplay Delay Module Suffix


Yes : No Yes : No list of positions list of categories list of sections list of orders list of authors Text Fied Number Field Number Field Number Field Scrolling : Fading list of transitions Top : Bottom : Hidden list of options Text Field Yes : No Yes : No Number Field Text Field


Yes Yes Right FP Tabs RT Demo Content Recently Modified First Anyone base 230 8 600 Scrolling Quad.easInOut Top By Content Title Tab Yes No 2000 promo


Enable/Disable the module header Enable/Disable the module Position of the module Category of content Section of content Ordering of content A filter for the authors Select a theme/style Width of the module Max number of Tabs Time for transition Type of transition The transition effect Position of the tabs Determine the tab title Set an incremental text Hide h6 titles Rotate automatically Set delay on auto-rotation A module class suffix
mercredi, 21 janvier 2009 21:47

Autre parution

Choix d'une autre section

On peut mettre l'ensemble des parutions dans le même bloc, les uns après les autres :)

mercredi, 28 janvier 2009 21:43

L'évènement du mois

La dernière parution

Globe-Trotters Mag. 6 voyage par an pour seulement 28 € l'abonnement


lundi, 26 janvier 2009 20:14


What is the PNGfix?

If you have ever opened a webpage with a transparent PNG in Internet Explorer 6, you will see an obvious problem. The images do not appear transparent but adopts a light blue background. which is unsightly to say the least. This is the purpose of the PNGfix, to allow transparent PNG images to work correctly in the web browser Internet Explorer 6. A common way around this is to use a range of different Joomla! extensions which can be applied to your site. However, this is already built in to new RocketTheme templates (the fix already provides other solutions to various other IE6 issues). The author is this new PNGfix is Drew Diller.
[readon url=""]Learn More[/readon]

Below is a list of all the Rocket Theme Templates which have the PNGfix described above, incorporated into it. Also, all new templates releases will contain this as it has become an recurrent feature.

  1. Akiraka
  2. Mixxmag

How do I use the PNGfix?

To apply the PNGfix to a particular image, all you need to do is add a class, png. We have an example of image HTML code below:-

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image" />

Now add class="png" to the code such as:-
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image" class="png" />

[span class=alert]Uninstall all other PNGfixes before using the template version, that includes plugins you may have installed into Joomla as it will conflict with the template fix[/span]

How to remove the PNGfix

If you wish to remove the PNGfix from the template, you have to remove the file and remove the reference from the rt_head_includes.php file. The file is called DD_belatedPNG.js and is located in the /templates/rt_akiraka_j15/js directory. You would then remove the following from the rt_head_includes.php file:-
<script src="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template?>/js/DD_belatedPNG.js"></script>
lundi, 26 janvier 2009 20:12


[video url="/feb09/video/" title="RokCandy Video Tutorial" img="images/stories/logo-editing-video.jpg" header="RokCandy Video Tutorial" label="Watch Now!" vwidth="480" vheight="336"]Learn how to configure and utilise the RokCandy Component with this detailed video tutorial.[/video]

What is RokCandy?

RokCandy is a new component from RocketTheme which provides BBcode-type functionality into Joomla. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the WYSIWYG editor stripping out your custom code, or worry about your HTML abilities in order to use the various Typography and other styled elements. It changes preset syntax, such as [example] to the relevant HTML code, once Joomla parse the article. What does that mean? Well, it means if you type [example] into your content, whether in HTML or normal WYSIWYG mode, it will always show [example] and will not be stripped away on save or reopen. All the changing to HTML, is done via Joomla when it outputs the article onto the site itself.

[rbxshot img="images/stories/rokcandy-ini-thumb.jpg"]RokCandy default.ini file[/rbxshot] [rbxshot img="images/stories/rokcandy-example-thumb.jpg"]RokCandy in action![/rbxshot] [rbxshot img="images/stories/rokcandy-admin-thumb.jpg"]RokCandy Administrator[/rbxshot]

For example, [example title={title}]{text}[/example] can be set to output the following:-
<div class="example">
	<p>Some content</p>

How do I configure RokCandy, the Syntax?

RokCandy is outfitted with prebuilt statements, however, with the overriding ability of Joomla 1.5, you can create new ones and override them in the template files, and not have to concern yourself with editing core files. The file is called default.ini and is located in the /templates/rt_akiraka_j15/html/com_rokcandy directory. Similarly, you can also add and control your own in the Administrator (Admin > Components > RokCandy). They will appear in the following format:-

Such as
[alert]{text}[/alert]=<span class="alert">{text}</span>
As is apparent, each line is separated into distinctive sections. There are two parts, the RokCandy syntax (left of =) and the outputted HTML (right of =). You would create your own tag name and insert them between square brackets, [], followed by {text} and the closing tag with [] brackets again. This segment is followed by the = symbol and following on from that is the HTML output. Note, the {text} is required in both parts to denote what element is to be carried forward. You can use any value between the {} brackets, such as {title} or {link} as long as they are cross referenced in the HTML output as shown in the example below:-
[box title={title} link={link}]{text}[/box]=<div class="box"><h3><a href="{link}">{title}</a></h3><p>{text}</p></div>

[span class=attention]Note, the best way to understand the syntax rules is to look at the default.ini file and see what syntax we use.[/span] [readon url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=77"]RokCandy Examples[/readon]
lundi, 26 janvier 2009 20:12

Color Chooser

Template Parameters
The return of the Color Chooser is upon us, but in a revolutionary, administrator only form. The Color Chooser is an ideal feature to help web developers quickly, and easily change and test the colour schemes of their sites. Akiraka has been constructed to be fully transparent and all the colours are generated by the Color Chooser, comfortably situated in the Template Manager parameters for the template. There are 27 options to choose one which control every possible colour aspect of the template. Better yet, you can either manually input the colours, i.e. the HEX code or use the color palette, situated to the right of each option. The changes you make appear live, in a sophisticated preview above all the parameters in the administrator. Therefore, you can easily see what your custom colour scheme is going to look like, instantly.

The 27 scheme options are as follows, and the areas that they control are indicative in their name (and will be visible in the live preview):-

  • Header Color
  • Logo Text
  • Header Text
  • Header Link
  • Header Overlay Style
  • Showcase Color
  • Showcase Text
  • Showcase Link
  • Showcase Highlight Text
  • Showcase Highlight
  • Showcase Overlay Style
  • Body Color
  • Body Highlight
  • Body Text
  • Body Link
  • Main Body Overlay Style
  • Bottom Bar Color
  • Bottom Bar Text
  • Bottom Bar Link
  • Bottom Section Color
  • Bottom Section Text
  • Bottom Section Link
  • Bottom Section Overlay Style
  • Footer Color
  • Footer Text
  • Footer link
  • Overlay Texture Style

[clear] [video url="/feb09/video/" title="Color Chooser Video Tutorial" img="images/stories/logo-editing-video.jpg" header="Color Choose Video Tutorial" label="Watch Now!" vwidth="400" vheight="320"]Learn how to configure and utilise the Color Chooser feature with this detailed video tutorial.[/video] [clear]

Creating your own presets

With Akiraka, we provide a series of preset configurations for the color chooser which you and your visitors can select from. However, if you wish to set or change these yourself, the process is extremely simple.

  1. Login into the Joomla Administrator
  2. Go to Extensions > Template Manager > rt_akiraka_j15
  3. Set Preset Styles to Custom
  4. Now, choose all the colour options you wish from the 27 options available, as well as the Overlay Texture value
  5. Hit the Custom Styles button in the Button menu, located in the upper right of the template manager
  6. This will output all the values into the Custom Style Output box, situated below the 27 options. Copy the outputted code from this box
  7. Open the file styles.php which is located within the /templates/rt_akiraka_j15/ directory
  8. Locate the following code block.
    $stylesList = array(
    	'style1' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'texture1', "#121212", "#86140a", "#232b00", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#cc0000", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ff9b01", "#000000", "#ff9b01", "#ff9b01", "#afc78c", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style2' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'notexture', "#121212", "#003030", "#361705", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#007E7E", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#00CACA", "#ffffff", "#66cc66", "#60c363", "#bc9780", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style3' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'notexture', "#121212", "#233142", "#171f2a", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#55729c", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#829bc1", "#000000", "#ffcc00", "#f2c304", "#97a6b9", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style4' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'texture3', "#121212", "#484800", "#271c10", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#abab00", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#dbdd88", "#000000", "#cccc00", "#b8b803", "#d5b07c", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style5' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'texture2', "#121212", "#003754", "#222222", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#2176a3", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#209adb", "#ffffff", "#f57c00", "#f57c00", "#b0b0b0", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style6' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'texture4', "#121212", "#222222", "#3d0000", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#999999", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#999999", "#ffffff", "#63a500", "#63a500", "#f89193", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style7' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-dark', 'bt-dark', 'notexture', "#121212", "#cabe9a", "#252314", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#d4c595", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#6a3c65", "#ffffff", "#6a3c65", "#984c98", "#D2CCA4", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style8' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-light', 'bt-dark', 'texture3', "#121212", "#0099cc", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#0099cc", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#007ea8", "#055a76", "#333333", "#055a76", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style9' => array('h-dark', 's-dark', 'b-light', 'bt-dark', 'texture1', "#121212", "#555555", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#999999", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#63a500", "#63a500", "#333333", "#63a500", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999"),
    	'style10' => array('h-dark', 's-light', 'b-light', 'bt-dark', 'texture1', "#121212", "#dfdfdf", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#191919", "#262626", "#999999", "#cccccc", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#663399", "#ffffff", "#663399", "#663399", "#333333", "#663399", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#cccccc", "#666666", "#999999")
  9. Edit that block to meet your needs, either by remove the code between $stylesList = array( and ); and copying in the code directly, or adding the new style code to the list of current styles or whatever method you prefer.
    [span class=alert]Ensure that you only edit the code in between $stylesList = array( and ); and ensure it is the right format otherwise you will receive errors[/span]
  10. Save, and upload the file to your site.
samedi, 24 janvier 2009 22:44

Typography Overview

Typography is a fundamental part of a template, providing you with the tools to characterise your content and bring it to life. There is a vast array of typography available with this template, as is with our previous releases, from list styles, notice blocks and a diverse number of other elements.

There are now 2 methods in which to implement the typography into your Joomla content:-
  1. HTML Mode: This is the typical approach seen in pre-2009 templates, were you had to physically add the HTML to your content in order for it to work. This can be a strenuous task for two main reasons. The first being the WYSIWYG editor of Joomla, which, more often than not would strip out the HTML from your content if you opened any formatted article with it. The second being the ability of the user, if you are using purely to the WYSIWYG editor, using the HTML mode or no editor at all can be a difficult step to reach.
  2. RokCandy Mode: The all new component from RocketTheme which allows you to implement typography easily, without fear of the WYSIWYG editor ruining your formatting and allows you, and/or your clients to add them to your content with ease. This is through a method similar to BBcode in a modern. WYSIWYG friendly syntax can be used, or even custom custom configured that will transform a set snippet to the correct HTML when it is parsed by Joomla.

Why use RokCandy?

RokCandy is the ideal solution for those with limited coding skills or those who implement our templates for their clients. It is free from the WYSIWYG editors horrific filtering habits and can be easily pre-configured for your personal needs or the needs of your client.

If you are apt with HTML, and are not implementing a site for someone who has limited coding skills, then the HTML method would be our recommended choice. [readon url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=77"]RokCandy Typography[/readon]
vendredi, 23 janvier 2009 19:32

HTML Typography

This tutorial page features all the typography available with the template, showcasing them in HTML form. If you wish to use the RokCandy format, which is WYSIWYG friendly, please go to the RokCandy Typography page.

This page shows all of the typography styles and settings for Akiraka in action. If you would like to read more detailed information on inserting the included typography into your content, check out the Akiraka Typography Tutorial.

Font Control

Akiraka allows you to have the option of simply switching the font of all the text in the template with the following setting in the template manager (select the font name to preview):-

This is a ComponentHeading

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

This is a Contentheading

Proin ac nunc eu nunc condimentum accumsan. Phasellus odio justo, euismod vitae, egestas a, porttitor in, urna. Maecenas vitae mauris. Donec vestibulum, nunc eu varius pharetra, massa est sagittis odio, sit amet eleifend elit dolor id tortor.

This is an H1 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet odio quis sapien molestie ultrices. Vivamus quis lectus. Praesent eu mi. Curabitur pharetra leo sed nisl. Nunc vel nisi. Aliquam nulla. Etiam at est. Pellentesque arcu diam, tempus nec, sodales eu, ullamcorper quis, risus.

This is an H2 Header

Proin ac nunc eu nunc condimentum accumsan. Phasellus odio justo, euismod vitae, egestas a, porttitor in, urna. Maecenas vitae mauris. Donec vestibulum, nunc eu varius pharetra, massa est sagittis odio, sit amet eleifend elit dolor id tortor.

This is an H3 Header

Mauris euismod. In ac massa vitae quam tincidunt dapibus. Ut at tortor nec mi mattis blandit. Maecenas venenatis lorem at nulla. Phasellus a libero. Sed odio odio, eleifend dignissim, feugiat vel, tempor nec, ligula. Suspendisse lacinia convallis nulla. Vestibulum posuere, lacus aliquet pulvinar faucibus, tortor urna luctus diam, vitae ultrices ante magna non tellus.

This is an H4 Header

Mauris euismod. In ac massa vitae quam tincidunt dapibus. Ut at tortor nec mi mattis blandit. Maecenas venenatis lorem at nulla. Phasellus a libero. Sed odio odio, eleifend dignissim, feugiat vel, tempor nec, ligula. Suspendisse lacinia convallis nulla. Vestibulum posuere, lacus aliquet pulvinar faucibus, tortor urna luctus diam, vitae ultrices ante magna non tellus.

This is an H5 Header

Mauris euismod. In ac massa vitae quam tincidunt dapibus. Ut at tortor nec mi mattis blandit. Maecenas venenatis lorem at nulla. Phasellus a libero. Sed odio odio, eleifend dignissim, feugiat vel, tempor nec, ligula. Suspendisse lacinia convallis nulla. Vestibulum posuere, lacus aliquet pulvinar faucibus, tortor urna luctus diam, vitae ultrices ante magna non tellus.

Notice Styles are shown below

This is a sample of the 'attention' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="attention">....</span> This is a sample of the 'notice' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="notice">....</span> This is a sample of the 'alert' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="alert">....</span> This is a sample of the 'download' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="download">....</span> This is a sample of the 'approved' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="approved">....</span> This is a sample of the 'media' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="media">....</span> This is a sample of the 'note' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="note">....</span> This is a sample of the 'cart' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="cart">....</span> This is a sample of the 'camera' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="camera">....</span> This is a sample of the 'doc' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="doc">....</span>
This is a sample <pre>...</pre> tag:

div.modulebox-black div.bx1 {
  background: url(../images/black/box_bl.png) 0 100% no-repeat; 

div.modulebox-black div.bx2 {
  background: url(../images/black/box_tr.png) 100% 0 no-repeat;

div.modulebox-black div.bx3 {
  background: url(../images/black/box_tl.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

Blockquote Styles

This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote>....</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="blue">...</blockquote> Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="red">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="green">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="purple">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="orange">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="brown">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="grey">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

List Styles - Bullets

Below is a list with bullets. To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="class name"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>

  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-1"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-2"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-3"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-4"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-5"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-6"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-7"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="bullet-8"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul>.

Span Styles - Number

Below is a list with number. To use this style create a list in the following format: <span class="number-[color2]">1[any number]</span>

1To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number">1</span>....some content....</p>

2To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number">2</span>....some content....</p>

3To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number">3</span>....some content....</p>

1To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-red">1</span>....some content....</p>

2To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-blue">2</span>....some content....</p>

3To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-green">3</span>....some content....</p>

1To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-purple">1</span>....some content....</p>

2To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-orange">2</span>....some content....</p>

3To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-brown">3</span>....some content....</p>

4To use this style create a list in the following format: <p><span class="number-grey">3</span>....some content....</p>

Highlight Styles

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-red">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-blue">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-green">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-orange">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-brown">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-purple">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-grey">...</span>

This is a span that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <span class="highlight-bold">...</span>

Inset Styles

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.You will need to use the following formatting: <span class="inset-right">...some content...</span>Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.You will need to use the following formatting: <span class="inset-left">...some content...</span>Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

DropCap Styles

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-red">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-blue">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-green">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-purple">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-orange">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-brown">P</span></p>

PPraesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

You will need to use the following formatting: <p><span class="dropcap-grey">P</span></p>

Important Emphasis Styles

Sample Title This is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important"><span class="important-title">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-blue"><span class="important-title-blue">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-red"><span class="important-title-red">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-green"><span class="important-title-green">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-purple"><span class="important-title-purple">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-brown"><span class="important-title-brown">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-orange"><span class="important-title-orange">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-grey"><span class="important-title-grey">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>

vendredi, 23 janvier 2009 19:33

Demo Content

The demo for Akiraka utilises a large stock of custom code and styling to make the most of every content item and show what Akiraka can do. This basically means that the HTML used in the custom modules and content have customisations which employ the characteristics of the template to make the "perfect" content.

This demo content section will take you through some of the content areas and general techniques used to further your understanding and help you realise the true potential of Akiraka. If you would like to quickly deploy a replica of our Akiraka demo for a new Joomla site, be sure to check out our RocketLauncher package.

Showcase: Amazing Color Variations

The following statement produces the showcase effect as seen on the frontpage, which is using RokCandy syntax:-
[showcase]<em>Experience</em> the all new Akiraka template from RocketTheme. Akiraka features a <em>100% fully transparent design</em> with total color control allowing you to easily customize your site's colors with a <em>dynamic color chooser</em> without needing to open an image editor.[/showcase]

Feature Highlights

The following statement produces the highlight (showcase2-4 area) effect as seen on the frontpage, which is using RokCandy syntax:-
[feature img="images/front-3.jpg" line1="At the Bar" line2="Important Drinks" /]
[feature img="images/front-4.jpg" line1="From the Kitchen" line2="Cooking" /]
[feature img="images/front-5.jpg" line1="Authentic Cuisine" line2="Our Dishes" /]

Frontpage Article Highlights

The following statement produces the highlight (mainbody area) effect as seen on the frontpage, which is using RokCandy syntax:-
[article url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=89" img="images/stories/content1.jpg" line1="You Choose" line2="Unlimited Colours" /]


The following statement produces the video showcase as seen on the various sub pages, which is using RokCandy syntax:-
[video url="images/video/" title="RokCandy Video Tutorial" img="images/stories/logo-editing-video.jpg" header="RokCandy Video Tutorial" label="Watch Now!"]Learn how to configure and utilise the RokCandy Component with this detailed video tutorial.[/video]

Read More Buttons

Read more buttons are automatically generated for content items that use the intro and main text option. However, you can easily insert them manually as witnessed on this demo. Use the following code:
[readon url="insert link here"]Read More...[/readon]

vendredi, 23 janvier 2009 19:33

Using Typography

[span class=alert]If you are using RokCandy, you do not need to disable your content editor or enter HTML mode, simply use the RokCandy typography syntax[/span]

A guide to implementing the included Akiraka typography styles and elements into your site as well as instructions for inserting typography using the HTML editor option of your WYSIWYG editor.

[span class=attention] Video Tutorial Currently Available! Launch the Joomla Using Typography Video Tutorial now![/span]

Every RocketTheme template has its own set of content styles, these styles are known as Typography. Typography can come in a number of varying and diverse formats, ranging from simple text modifications to image insertions to improve the look, layout of your website and give it life. This tutorial will take you through the necessary steps to adding typography to your Joomla! content.

Inserting Typography with the HTML Editor

To insert the Typography into your content, you must use the HTML feature of all Joomla! content editors. The following tutorial will outline the steps in which to does this with the default Joomla! content edit, TinyMCE. Please be aware, even though there are other content editors available, all are basically the same and the steps with be just as effective if you are using another Content editor.

[span class=attention]Please note that the following tutorial will show you how to insert HTML (typography) into Article, the same procedure is apparent for Content Items and Custom modules. You may skip steps 4 and 5 if you are using No WYSIWYG editor or you using RokCandy.[/span]

Step 1 - Login

Login to the Joomla! Administration Control Panel. Go to Enter the Administrator's Username and password.

Step 2 - Navigation

Navigate to the Article Manager. Hover over the Content link on the top taskbar, scroll down to Article Manager.

Step 3 - Article Manager

When you have selected the Article Manager link, you will be sent to the Article Manager control panel. Select either Edit (after selecting a particular content item) or New, depending on whether you want to add typography to an existing or new item.

Step 4 - HTML Icon

To add typography to your content, you must enter the HTML mode of your Content editor. In the TinyMCE editor, this an icon called "HTML", in some other content editors, it is a tab. Press the icon to enter HTML mode. This step is not necessary if you are using No WYSIWYG editor.

Step 5 - HTML Mode

A popup shall appear with your content in HTML format, only if you are using TinyMCE, with other editors, a new tab may become selected. You shall do all your editing here for typography.

Step 6 - Inserting HTML

You then proceed to add your HTML coding into the tab/textbox that appears in front of you. This can be any HTML such as span class typography or styled lists.
[clear] [span class=attention]You will not see the effects in the content editor, all style affects are only visible on the Frontend of your Joomla! website.[/span]

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